H(C)NH, (H)CNH, H(C)NH-TOCSY, C(C)NH-TOCSY Inova 500 MHz (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)

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Basic facts about pfg_C_hacanh_se1

Synopsis: a family of triple resonance experiments for H-CC-N-HN correlations, straight-through, with sensitivity enhancement

Code authors:

 C.B. Rios, M. Tashiro, W. Feng, G.T. Montelione

Copyright: G.T. Montelione, Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory, Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Rutgers University

Console: Varian, Inova, 500 MHz

Download: readme, code, parameters, image

Package: CABM Pulse Sequence Library


  1. LYONS, BA and MONTELIONE, GT. An HCCNH triple-resonance experiment using carbon-13 isotropic mixing for correlating backbone amide and side-chain aliphatic resonances in isotopically enriched proteins. Journal of magnetic resonance Series B(Print) 101(2):206--209, 1993. BibTeX [lyons93jmr]
  2. Lyons, BA and Tashiro, M and Cedergren, L and Bilsson, B and Montelione, GT. An improved strategy for determining resonance assignments for isotopically enriched proteins and its application to an engineered domain of staphylococcal protein A. Biochemistry 32(31):7839--7845, 1993. BibTeX [lyons93biochem]

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