Ph.D. student in Solid State NMR - Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology - ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland

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posted: January 7 2010

The solid-state NMR group at ETH Zurich has two openings for Ph.D. students in the fields of:

MAS / HRMAS of "soft" material like cells and lipids. The project involves the development of NMR methods to investigate “soft” material (like cells, lipid systems, biopsies, solid-phase synthesis beads) under MAS as well as the applications of such methods to the study of intact bacterial cells.

Protein Structure Determination by solid-state NMR. While the first de novo structures from solid-state NMR have been published (for microcrystals and fibrils), much development is still needed in order to obtain meaningful structures and judge the quality of the results. In our group, we address the methodological developments using crystalline proteins and apply the method to prion fibrils and membrane proteins.

For more information please contact Prof. Beat H. Meier at beme at

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