Hen Lysozyme

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Early Work

Redfield, C., Dobson, C.M.. Sequential proton NMR assignments and secondary structure of hen egg white lysozyme in solution

Biochemistry 27(1):122--136, 1988
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A detailed example of purely 1H assignment strategy. Thoughtful sample preparation to selectively show rapidly and slowly exchanging amide protons.

Protein Expression

MacKenzie, D.A., Spencer, J.A., Gal-Co{\"e}ffet, M.F.L., Archer, D.B.. Efficient production from Aspergillus niger of a heterologous protein and an individual protein domain, heavy isotope-labelled, for structure-function analysis

Journal of Biotechnology 46(2):85--93, 1996

Structure determination

Schwalbe, H., Grimshaw, S.B., Spencer, A., Buck, M., Boyd, J., Dobson, C.M., Redfield, C., Smith, L.J.. A refined solution structure of hen lysozyme determined using residual dipolar coupling data

Protein Science 10(4):677, 2001
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Used Aspergillus niger expression system by MacKenzie et al.

Variable Pressure NMR

Kamatari, Y.O., Yamada, H., Akasaka, K., Jones, J.A., Dobson, C.M., Smith, L.J.. Response of native and denatured hen lysozyme to high pressure studied by 15N/1H NMR spectroscopy

FEBS Journal 268(6):1782--1793, 2001

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