Simple 1D processing in vnmr

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Open file

Open file (type in vnmr command line):


rt - retrieve, file name does not have to have .fid attached

Apply simple FT

Apply simple processing:

ft f full vsadj

ft - apply Fourier tranform
f - show full 1D spectral window
full - stretch spectrum on full screen

Phase the spectrum


Try automatic phasing


Manual phasing

If autophasing fails, you have to phase manually.

Click on Main Menu(top row of buttons)->DispMenu(bottom row of buttons->Interactive(bottom row)->Phase(bottom row)

Move cursor to the left part of spectrum, click and hold left mouse button.

Drag mouse up or down to make peaks in left part appear phased, release left mouse button.

Move cursor to the right part of spectrum click and hold right mouse button.Drag mouse up or down to make whole spectrum well phased.

Now hit Return(bottom row of buttons on the right)

If you still see huge baseline distortion - it is possible that phase parameters lp(left phase) and rp(right phase) are too large. You can check what they are by typing:


Normally they should not exceed ~360 (?)

If rp or lp are too large - reset them:

lp=0 rp=0

Then repeat manual phasing procedure shown above.

Fine-tuning phasing

This part is relevant if peaks that you want to phase are less intense then the major peaks in spectrum.

Adjust vs(vertical scale) so that you can see peaks of interest.

One way to do it is to type:


Here vs is multiplied by 5 (use other number if you want)

You might want to repeat above multiplication by scrolling up and pressing 'Enter' until you clearly see the low intensity peaks that need to be phased

Now repeat manual phasing procedure so that baseline around very intense peaks looks symmetric and low intensity signals are phased too.

Apply baseline correction

Main menu->DispMenu->Interactive

Push second button from the left (it will be either Full Integral, No Integral or Part Integral)
This button switches between integral display modes. If button currently displays No Intergral and you push it - then you enter 'no integral display' mode - that is integral will not be displayed.

To apply baseline correction we need to tell the program which parts of spectrum contain peaks and which ones contain baseline.

To do that, first type cz(clear reset points), then enter Part Integral display mode, then push Resets button. In this mode integral over the baseline regions is shown with dotted line, and integral over the peaks - with continuous line. Now starting with left part of spectrum, click with left mouse button before and after each peak. (remember to go left to right).

Once all reset points are defined, i.e. enough baseline regions are shown to the program - hit Return button.

Finally type


and that should apply baseline correction, baseline regions should be nearly flat.

Reference the spectrum

Find peak that you can use for chemical shift reference. Let's say it is H2O signal at about 4.7 ppm.

Zoom onto the peak to be used as reference: Main menu->DispMenu->Interactive

Now first button on the left in the bottom row will be either Cursor or Box. This button switches between cursor modes. Current cursor mode is displayed on top-right of the vnmr command line window.

Enter Box mode - you will get two cursors.

With left mouse button place left cursor before the reference peak (i.e. on the left of that peak) and place right cursor with right mouse button after the reference peak (on it's right), then hit Expand button.

Now vnmr zooms to the peak. If it is too small - adjust the vertical scale.E.g. by typing vsadj(adjust vertical scale automatically) or by typing vs=vs*2 or vs=vs/2 (you can use any other number too) until peak clearly shows.

In Cursor mode, click on the center of reference peak and click Ref button.
You will be promted:

New reference value (in ppm)?

Enter correct value and press 'Enter'

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