Hen Lysozyme

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Early Work

Redfield, C., Dobson, C.M.. Sequential proton NMR assignments and secondary structure of hen egg white lysozyme in solution

Biochemistry 27(1):122--136, 1988
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A detailed example of purely 1H assignment strategy. Thoughtful sample preparation to selectively show rapidly and slowly exchanging amide protons.

Protein Expression

MacKenzie, D.A., Spencer, J.A., Gal-Co{\"e}ffet, M.F.L., Archer, D.B.. Efficient production from Aspergillus niger of a heterologous protein and an individual protein domain, heavy isotope-labelled, for structure-function analysis

Journal of Biotechnology 46(2):85--93, 1996

Structure determination

Schwalbe, H., Grimshaw, S.B., Spencer, A., Buck, M., Boyd, J., Dobson, C.M., Redfield, C., Smith, L.J.. A refined solution structure of hen lysozyme determined using residual dipolar coupling data

Protein Science 10(4):677, 2001
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Used Aspergillus niger expression system by MacKenzie et al.

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