Picking and labeling peaks in Sparky

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Switch to Find/add peak pointer mode

Click on the peak. A box around the peak should appear. If the box is too small increase box size

Type at.

A window prompting you to enter residue and atom assignment will show up.

Type in appropriate names and click 'Ok'. If you don't want to assign residue - just leave those fields blank (in that case peak label will contain ? mark)

Now a peak label should appear.

Peak assignments are stored in .save files. Make sure to save your spectrum.

pi - peak intergrate

vc - view center

Pointer mode "find/add peak (F8)" with this mode clicking adds a peak or selects existing peak

pk - lock peak from moving

pu - unlock peak

xr - rotate view (change 2D plane shown)

at - assgning/labeling peaks

vt - adjust what is shown on peak labels

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