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Varian and Bruker pulse program code available here

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Analysis JHMBC using Sparky


H-X coupling measured as doublet splitting in F1 dimension divided by a preset integer scaling factor (~20). Values of J H-X as small as 0.9 Hz could be reliably determined.

First four pulses together with gradients suppress magnetization from 13C-attached protons, while retaining magnetization of protons bonded to magnetically-silent 12C nuclei.

Assigning couplings in this experiment is straightforward as chemical shifts in both dimensions are those of coupled nuclei.

Pulse sequence image


Meissner, A., Sorensen, O.W.. Measurement of J (H, H) and long range J (X, H) coupling constants in small molecules. Broadband XLOC and J-HMBC

Magn. Reson. Chem 39:49--52, 2001
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