Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement

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#Shortel bibtex=@article{gillespie1997clr,
title={{Characterization of long-range structure in the denatured state of staphylococcal nuclease. II. distance restraints from paramagnetic relaxation and calculation of an ensemble of structures}},
author={Gillespie, J.R. and Shortle, D.},
journal={Journal of Molecular Biology},

Revision as of 20:41, 7 August 2008

Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement(PRE) is increasingly becoming a method to provide long-range distance information that can complement NOE restraints, which are limited to distances of less than 6A. This method can be used to get distances in the range of 15-24A.

  1. Liang, B and Bushweller, JH and Tamm, LK. Site-directed parallel spin-labeling and paramagnetic relaxation enhancement in structure determination of membrane proteins by solution NMR spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc 128(13):4389--4397, 2006. BibTeX [tamm06]
  2. Battiste, JL and Wagner, G. Utilization of site-directed spin labeling and high-resolution heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance for global fold determination of large proteins with limited nuclear overhauser effect data. Biochemistry 39(18):5355--65, 2000. BibTeX [Wagner]

  3. Gillespie, JR and Shortle, D. Characterization of long-range structure in the denatured state of staphylococcal nuclease. II. distance restraints from paramagnetic relaxation and calculation of an ensemble of structures. Journal of Molecular Biology 268(1):170--184, 1997. BibTeX [Shortel]