Postdoc and Ph.D. studentship in Solid State NMR - Westfaelische Wilhelms-University, Münster, Germany

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posted: November 11, 2009

A posdoctoral and a Ph.D. student positions are open at the Westfaelische Wilhelms-University in Münster.

One-year postdoctoral research position

Position is extendable for up to three years.

Requirements are a PhD in physics, chemistry or a related field and a detailed knowledge of Solid State NMR techniques. The research program involves the development and implementation of novel solid state NMR methods for the in situ characterization of chemical and physical processes.

Two-year PhD position

Requirements for the position are a diploma (or related degree) in physics, chemistry or related field. The research program involves the synthesis and characterization of amorphous materials employing modern solid state NMR techniques.

How to apply

Interested candidates should send an appplication to PD Dr. Leo van Wüllen, University of Münster, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Corrensstr. 28 - 30, D48149 Münster/Germany or email at wullen at