SP - Sinebell Apodization (nmrPipe function)

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Sine-bell apodization used in nmrPipe is defined i-th point as follows:

f(i) = \sin\left( \frac{\pi \cdot off + \pi \cdot (off-end) \cdot i}{tSize-1} \right)^{pow}

where value of off corresponds to value of -off parameter, end - to -end parameter, pow - to -pow parameter. tSize is automatically read from the data file (it's header). Meanings of parameters are described below.


parametertype and range of valuesmeaning
-offreal number, \in [0,1]starting offset if sine bell in units of π
-endreal number, \in (-off,1]ending offset if sine bell in units of π
-powreal number, \in (-\infty,\infty), but typical values are 1.0 and 2.0exponent of the apodization function
-c,-start,-size,-one,-hdr,-invextra parameters that apply to all available window functions; -c is the most frequently used one
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