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SPINAL Decoupling

SPINAL decoupling is an extension of TPPM. SPINAL can be thought of as TPPM with a supercycle. Like TPPM, the pulse width must be optimized once a decoupling amplitude has been set. The phases are generally set to 5, 10, and 15, however in this implementation the user has the option to change each phase as they see fit. The SPINAL supercycle is chosen through the spinal_flag variable. when the flag is zero, it is TPPM decoupling, 1=SPINAL8, 2=SPINAL16, 3=SPINAL32 and 4=SPINAL64. When alpha=beta=0 and phi(SPINAL) = 1/2 phi(TPPM) the result is also very near to TPPM decoupling.

Version for t1

Name: SPINAL proton decoupling for t1
Experiment family/families: solids
Synopsis: Includes file for SPINAL decoupling
Implementation author(s): Benjamin Wylie, Trent Franks, Chad Rienstra
Copyright: not assigned
Console: Varian, Infinity Plus, 500 MHz
Download: code, no sample/parameter data yet

Version for t2

Name: SPINAL proton decoupling for t2
Experiment family/families: solids
Synopsis: Includes file for SPINAL decoupling
Implementation author(s): Benjamin Wylie, Trent Franks, Chad Rienstra
Copyright: not assigned
Console: Varian, Infinity Plus, 500 MHz
Download: code, no sample/parameter data yet


  1. Fung, BM and Khitrin, AK and Ermolaev, K. An Improved Broadband Decoupling Sequence for Liquid Crystals and Solids. J Magn Reson 142(31):97-101, 2000. BibTeX [SPINAL]
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