Creating macro files in MAGICALII for Varian NMR instruments

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Users of Varian NMR systems can save themselves a lot of typing by creating macro files that contain regular vnmr commands.

The macro files should be place into user's 'vnmrsys/maclib' directory, then called from the vnmr(j) command line just by typing name of the file.

For example if you find yourself frequently typing:

wft f full aph vsadj

Just create a file vnmrsys/maclib/ftme containing the line above, then typing 'ftme' will do the trick.

One important thing to remember is that vnmr(j) program will first look for the file named ~/vnmrsys/maclib/ftme, then /vnmr/maclib/ftme (assuming that main system is installed under /vnmr path). So there is a possibility for collisions - (the same is also true for the pulse sequences).

Varian MAGICAL macros on NMR Wiki

Here is the list of varian macros currently available on NMR Wiki:

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