CBCA(CO)NH and HBHA(CO)NH (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)

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Name: pfg_H_cbcaconh_se20
Experiment family/families: CBCA(CO)NH, HBHA(CO)NH
Synopsis: (H)CBCA(CO)NH or HBHA(CO)NH straight-through triple resonance experiment using C-C COSY transfer, with sensitivity enhancement option

Code authors:

 C.B. Rios?



C.B. Rios not found in the Montelione Lab registry page

M. Tashiro?



M. Tashiro not found in the Montelione Lab registry page

G.T. Montelione?



G.T. Montelione not found in the Montelione Lab registry page

Copyright: G.T. Montelione, Protein NMR Laboratory - Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Rutgers University
Console: Varian, Inc. Unity, 500 MHz
Console requirements: four RF channels (applies to some CABM sequences)
Source: CABM Pulse Sequence Library
Download (external links):readme pulse sequence parameters (tar) figure (pdf)


  1. Grzesiek, S and Bax, A. Correlating backbone amide and side chain resonances in larger proteins by multiple relayed triple resonance NMR. Journal of the American Chemical Society 114(16):6291--6293, 1992. BibTeX [bax92]
  2. Grzesiek, S and Bax, A. Amino acid type determination in the sequential assignment procedure of uniformly 13 C/15 N-enriched proteins. Journal of Biomolecular NMR 3(2):185--204, 1993. BibTeX [bax93]

  3. MUHANDIRAM, DR and KAY, LE. Gradient-enhanced triple-resonance three-dimensional NMR experiments with improved sensitivity. Journal of magnetic resonance Series B(Print) 103(3):203--216, 1994. BibTeX [kay94]

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