HNCO (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)

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Name: pfg_hnco_se49
Experiment family/families: HNCO
Synopsis: HNCO out-and-back, based on Figure 1D in [1] with sensitivity enhancement option

Code authors:

 C.B. Rios, G.T. Montelione, M. Tashiro
Copyright: G.T. Montelione, Protein NMR Laboratory - Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Rutgers University
Console: Varian, Inc. Unity, 500 MHz
Console requirements: four RF channels (applies to some CABM sequences)
Source: CABM Pulse Sequence Library
Download (external links):readme pulse sequence parameters (tar) figure (pdf)

Related pulse sequences

HNCO 500 MHz Inova (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) 500MHz Inova version


  1. MUHANDIRAM, DR and KAY, LE. Gradient-enhanced triple-resonance three-dimensional NMR experiments with improved sensitivity. Journal of magnetic resonance Series B(Print) 103(3):203--216, 1994. BibTeX [kay94]
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