Sim-CT HMQC HA(CA)(CO)NH (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
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Basic facts about pfg_simCT_hmqc_H_cobb.se4
Synopsis: 3D constant time 1H-13C HMQC HA(CA)(CO)NH with sensitivity enhancement option | |||||
Sample requirements: U-13C,15N | |||||
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Copyright: G.T. Montelione, Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory, Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Rutgers University | |||||
Console: Varian, Unity, 500 MHz | |||||
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Download: readme, code, parameters, image | |||||
Package: CABM Pulse Sequence Library |
- Shang, Z and Swapna, GVT and Rios, CB and Montelione, GT. Sensitivity enhancement of triple-resonance protein NMR spectra by proton evolution of multiple-quantum coherences using a simultaneous 1 H and 13 C constant-time evolution period. Journal of the American Chemical Society 119(39):9274--9278, 1997. BibTeX
Categories: Sensitivity enhancement | Pulse sequences | Liquids | Unity | Varian | Montelione Lab | 1H detected | 3D | Sample requirements | Unassigned experiment family | 1H | 13C | 15N | 500 MHz | HMQC | PFG | Constant time