2D CC-CTUC Solids

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Name: hCC-2D-DARR
Experiment family/families: solids
Synopsis: Simple Carbon or Nitrogen 2D experiment with DARR (RAD) broadband mixing
Implementation author(s): L. Chen, D.W. Elliot, J.M. Boetcher, D.H. Zhou, C.M. Rienstra, L.J. Mueller
Copyright: not assigned
Console: Varian, Infinity Plus, 500 MHz
Download: code, no sample/parameter data yet

CO-CA Version

Pulse sequence image

Aliphatic Version

Pulse sequence image


  1. Lee, YK and Kurur, ND and Helmle, M and Johannessen, OG and Nielsen, NC and Levitt, MH. Efficient dipolar recoupling in the NMR of rotating solids. A sevenfold symmetric radiofrequency pulse sequence. Chemical Physics Letters 242(3):304--309, 1995. BibTeX [levitt95]
  2. Hohwy, M and Jakobsen, HJ and Ed{\'e}n, M and Levitt, MH and Nielsen, NC. Broadband dipolar recoupling in the nuclear magnetic resonance of rotating solids: A compensated C7 pulse sequence. The Journal of Chemical Physics 108:2686, 1998. BibTeX [postc7]

  3. Rienstra, CM and Hatcher, ME and Mueller, LJ and Sun, B and Fesik, SW and Griffin, RG. Efficient Multispin Homonuclear Double-Quantum Recoupling for Magic-Angle Spinning NMR:\^{} 1\^{} 3C-\^{} 1\^{} 3C Correlation Spectroscopy of U-\^{} 1\^{} 3C-Erythromycin A. Journal of the American Chemical Society 120:10602--10612, 1998. BibTeX [cmr7]

  4. Hohwy, M and Rienstra, CM and Jaroniec, CP and Griffin, RG. Fivefold symmetric homonuclear dipolar recoupling in rotating solids: Application to double quantum spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 110:7983, 1999. BibTeX [spc5]

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