2D CC-CTUC Solids

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anchors: @a,a1,a2 @b,b1 @c @c1,d,d1 @e @f @g @h,h1,h2,h3 @j0,j,j1 @i,i1,i2--k,k1 @l
disp: 4@a 5@b 7@c 7@d 1@e 7@f 7@g 4@h 3@j 10@i 10@l
time: rlx @a t1 @b t2 @c t3 @d T1a @e T1b @f T1c @g T12 @h d @j d @i--k d @l
rf H: 90@a wp@a1,b wp@b1--h wp@h1--k
rf 13C: wp@a2,b 180@c 90@d 90@e 180@f 90@g 90@h acq@h2---------k
rf 15N: wp@h3,k
pfg z:
delay t1: show_at=13C label=ct
delay t2: show_at=13C label=\tau-\frac{t_1}{2}
delay t3: show_at=13C label=\tau+\frac{t_1}{2}
delay T1c: show_at=13C label=\tau
delay T1b: show_at=13C label=\tau
delay T1a: hide=true
delay T12: show_at=13C label=\tau_{zf}
delay rlx: hide=true
delay d: hide=true
rfchan 13C: label=^{13}C
rfchan 15N: label=^{15}N
rfchan H: label=^1H
pfgchan z: label=Grad\ z
pulse p1: phase=phi1
acq: phase=phi2 type=fid
phase phi1: table=0,2 label=\phi_1
phase phi2: label=\phi_2 table=1,3

Revision as of 21:10, 3 September 2008

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Name: hCC-2D-DARR
Experiment family/families: solids
Synopsis: Simple Carbon or Nitrogen 2D experiment with DARR (RAD) broadband mixing
Implementation author(s): L. Chen, D.W. Elliot, J.M. Boetcher, D.H. Zhou, C.M. Rienstra, L.J. Mueller
Copyright: not assigned
Console: Varian, Infinity Plus, 500 MHz
Download: code, no sample/parameter data yet

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