CON for Bruker - pulse sequence to correlate CO and N (Wagner Lab)

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Basic facts about n_con_2h_ct_2d_ul.kt

Synopsis: CON - 15N detected pulse sequence to correlate amide Ni with C'i and C'i-1

Family: CON

Sample requirements: U-13C,15N,2H

Code authors:

 Gerhard Wagner, Koh Takeuchi

Copyright: Harvard Medical School

Hardware requirements:

 HCND probe, optimized for 15N and 13C detection


  1. Takeuchi, K and Heffron, G and Sun, ZYJ and Frueh, DP and Wagner, G. Nitrogen-detected CAN and CON experiments as alternative experiments for main chain NMR resonance assignments. Journal of Biomolecular NMR pp. 1--12. BibTeX [cancon]
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