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rSNOB is a common selective pulse. It is a symmetric soft pulse, and is therefore well-suited for use in solid-state NMR.
First rSNOB pulse
Experiment family/families: Selective pulses
Synopsis: rSNOB soft pulse
Implementation author(s): Ying Li, Benjamin Wylie, Trent Franks, Chad Rienstra, Lindsay Sperling
Copyright: not assigned
Console: Varian, Infinity Plus, 500 MHz
Download: code, no sample/parameter data yet
Second rSNOB pulse
Experiment family/families: Selective pulses
Synopsis: second rSNOB soft pulse
Implementation author(s): Ying Li, Benjamin Wylie, Trent Franks, Chad Rienstra, Lindsay Sperling
Copyright: not assigned
Console: Varian, Infinity Plus, 500 MHz
Download: code, no sample/parameter data yet