2D CC-CTUC Solids

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Experiment family/families: 2D COSY
Synopsis: Constant-time Through-bond Carbon 2D correlation experiments
Implementation author(s): Lindsay Sperling, Gemma Commellas, Trent Franks, Chad Rienstra
Copyright: not assigned
Console: Varian, Infinity Plus, 500 MHz
Download: code, no sample/parameter data yet


Proton to Carbon CP followed by scalar coupling modulated homonuclear mixing with rSNOB soft pulses and independent SPINAL decoupling periods during mixing and acquisition.

All needed files were catenated together, and so must be separated. The file CTUC_COSY.acq is the first block of text after the author contributions. CTUC_COSY.s begins with

name "2D_CC_shell";

and ends with


The next several files should be separated and placed in /export/homes/USERNAME/pulse_sequences/cpc/includes. Each new file begins with a long comment section. The files acq.inc, CTUC_COSY.acq, CTUC_COSY.s, rSNOB_063108.inc,rSNOB_delay2.inc, SPC5.inc, SPINAL1.inc, SPINAL2.inc, STANDARD_PARAMS, std_errs.inc, t1.inc, t2.inc, TAN_CP.inc, and TWO_D.inc should be created from this file.

CO-CA Version

The hard pulse version of the experiment can be used if soft_pulse_flag=0 and ipap_flag=0.

image of CO-CA version of 2D CC-CTUC pulse sequence for solids

Aliphatic Version

The soft pulse version of the experiment can be used if soft_pulse_flag=1 and ipap_flag=0.

image of adiabatic version of 2D CC-CTUC pulse sequence for solids

CACO IPAP (IP) Version

The IP version of the experiment can be used if soft_pulse_flag=0 and ipap_flag=0, with the carrier placed on resonance with the Carbonyl frequency.

image of CACO IPAP in-phase version of 2D CC-CTUC pulse sequence for solids

CACO IPAP (AP) Version

The AP version of the experiment can be used if ipap_flag=1 (independent of soft_pulse_flag), with the carrier placed on resonance with the Carbonyl frequency.

image of CACO IPAP anti-phase version of 2D CC-CTUC pulse sequence for solids


  1. Chen, L and Olson, RA and Elliot, DW and Boettcher, JM and Zhou, DH and Rienstra, CM and Mueller, LJ. Constant-Time Through-Bond ^{13}C Correlation Spectroscopy for Assigning Protein Resonances with Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc 128(31):9992--9993, 2006. BibTeX [bbCTUC]
  2. Chen, L and Kaiser, JM and Lai, J and Polenova, T and Yang, J and Rienstra, CM and Mueller, LJ. J-based 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear correlation in solid-state proteins. Magn Reson Chem 45 suppl.:s84-s92, 2007. BibTeX [ipapCTUC]

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