Ser/Thr-(HC)NH HSQC (J. Chugh and R.V. Hosur, TIFR)
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Experiment family/families: 2D HSQC
Synopsis: HSQC experiment that selects signals from alanines in one case and serine and threonine residues in another case (two cases being tunable by a selective pulse)
Implementation author(s): J. Chugh, R.V. Hosur
Copyright: TIFR
Console: Bruker, Avance, 800 MHz
Download: code, sample data
Categories: Pulse sequences | TIFR pulse sequences | Bruker | Liquids | Avance | 800 MHz | 1H | 15N | 13C | Heteronuclear | 1H detected | 2D | PFG | HSQC