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  1. Analysis →‎ CcpNmr Analysis
  2. Analysis of HETLOC data with Sparky →‎ Analysis of HETLOC data
  3. Relaxation reduction →‎ Reducing relaxation losses
  4. Talk:Relaxation reduction →‎ Talk:Reducing relaxation losses
  5. Magnetic resonance of paramagnetic systems →‎ Magnetic resonance in paramagnetic systems
  6. Talk:Magnetic resonance of paramagnetic systems →‎ Talk:Magnetic resonance in paramagnetic systems
  7. Pumped superconducting electromagnets →‎ Pumped superconducting electromagnet
  8. NMR tube pipette →‎ NMR tube pipettes
  9. J.Young valve NMR tubes →‎ J. Young valve NMR tubes
  10. X-nucleus pulse calibration (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) →‎ X-nucleus pulse calibration on decoupler1 (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  11. Selective 180 pulse calibration (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ) →‎ Selective 13C 180 pulse calibration (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ)
  12. Selective 90 pulse calibration (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ) →‎ Selective rectangular 13C 90 pulse calibration (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ)
  13. Selective 13C 180 pulse calibration (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ) →‎ Selective rectangular 13C 180 pulse calibration (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ)
  14. Calibration of shaped 90 pulse on decoupler 2 (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) →‎ Calibration of shaped 90 pulse on decoupler 1, with refocussing (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  15. HNCA (Rutgers Univ.) →‎ HNCA (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  16. Template:Triple-res-categories →‎ Template:Triple-resonance-categories
  17. Sim-CT HMQC (HA)CA(CO)NH (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) →‎ Sim-CT HMQC (H)C(CO)NH (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  18. PFG NOESY 15N-HSQC (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) →‎ PFG NOESY 13C-HSQC (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  19. Solid Echo →‎ Echo Sequences
  20. Who can edit NMRWiki →‎ Can I edit this website?
  21. How to contribute →‎ What can I contribute?
  22. NOESY-TOCSY NMR Experiment →‎ 3D NOESY-TOCSY NMR Experiment
  23. How does this work? →‎ How it work?
  24. How it work? →‎ How does it work?
  25. T1 Measurements →‎ T1 Measurement by Inversion Recovery
  26. Talk:T1 Measurements →‎ Talk:T1 Measurement by Inversion Recovery
  27. H(C)NH, (H)CN, H(C)NH-TOCSY, C(C)NH-TOCSY Inova 500 MHz (G. Montelione, Rutgers. Univ) →‎ H(C)NH, (H)CNH, H(C)NH-TOCSY, C(C)NH-TOCSY Inova 500 MHz (G. Montelione, Rutgers. Univ)
  28. H(C)NH, (H)CNH, H(C)NH-TOCSY, C(C)NH-TOCSY Inova 500 MHz (G. Montelione, Rutgers. Univ) →‎ H(C)NH, (H)CNH, H(C)NH-TOCSY, C(C)NH-TOCSY Inova 500 MHz (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  29. Protein backbone assignment NMR experiments →‎ Protein resonance assignment NMR experiments
  30. NOESY mixing time →‎ NOESY mixing time compilation
  31. Magic Angle Spining →‎ Magic Angle Spinning
  32. Talk:Magic Angle Spining →‎ Talk:Magic Angle Spinning
  33. HNCACO (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ) →‎ HN(CA)CO (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ)
  34. 2D COSY →‎ 2D MQ-COSY
  35. (H)CBCA(CO)NH, HBHA(CO 600 MHz Inova )NH (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) →‎ (H)CBCA(CO)NH, HBHA(CO)NH 600 MHz Inova (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  36. Joining NMRWiki →‎ How to join NMR Wiki
  37. How to join NMR Wiki →‎ Joining NMR Wiki
  38. 1. H(C)NH, (H)CNH, H(C)NH-TOCSY, C(C)NH-TOCSY 600 MHz Inova (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) →‎ H(C)NH, (H)CNH, H(C)NH-TOCSY, C(C)NH-TOCSY 600 MHz Inova (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  39. H(CCO)NH, (H)C(CO)NH, H(CCO)NH-TOCSY, C(CCO)NH-TOCSY 600MHz Inova (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) →‎ H(CCO)NH, (H)C(CO)NH, H(CCO)NH-TOCSY, C(CCO)NH-TOCSY 600 MHz Inova (Ver. 3) (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.)
  40. Ser/Thr-(HC)NH HSQC (J. Chugh and V. Hosur, TIFR) →‎ Ser/Thr-(HC)NH HSQC (J. Chugh and R.V. Hosur, TIFR)
  41. Magnetic resonance imagery →‎ Magnetic resonance imaging
  42. Pulse sequence directory (contributor's manual) →‎ Pulse sequence directory
  43. Pumped NMR magnets from Oxford Instruments →‎ Oxford Instruments 2.2K 800/63 magnet
  44. Talk:Pumped NMR magnets from Oxford Instruments →‎ Talk:Oxford Instruments 2.2K 800/63 magnet
  45. Template:Test →‎ Template:Uiuc-pulse-sequence
  46. Thread:Should we keep say bruker and varian or inova and infinity implementations of the same experiment on the same? (1) →‎ Thread:Should we keep different implementations of the same experiment on the same page? (1)
  47. Z1 cross procedure →‎ Z1 cross procedure (placing probe at center of shim stack)
  48. Template:New-pulse-sequence →‎ Template:Pulse-sequence-record
  49. Talk:Diffusion NMR →‎ Talk:Measurements of diffusion by NMR
  50. Talk:Measurements of diffusion by NMR →‎ Talk:Measurements of molecular diffusion by NMR
  51. Other NMR community sites →‎ Other NMR Websites
  52. Other NMR Websites →‎ NMR links
  53. FID →‎ Free induction decay
  54. PFG 3D 13C HMQC NOESY →‎ Isotope filtered 13C HMQC NOESY
  55. Stereospecific chemical shift assignments in proteins →‎ Chemical shifts assignment in proteins
  56. NMR Laboratories and Facilities →‎ Laboratories and facilities
  57. NMR Topics and Bibliography →‎ NMR topics
  58. AMMRL mailing list →‎ Links to AMMRL archive by category
  59. Talk:AMMRL mailing list →‎ Talk:Links to AMMRL archive by category
  60. Dry gases →‎ Dry air/gases for analytical instruments
  61. UCI800:Lab →‎ UCI800:Small lab equipment
  62. Analysis JHMBC using Sparky →‎ Analysis of JHMBC using Sparky
  63. MRI →‎ Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  64. News archive (April 2008) →‎ NMR Wiki milestones
  65. NMR Blogs →‎ Blogs
  66. NMR Journals →‎ Journals
  67. NMR newsgroups →‎ Newsgroups and mailing lists
  68. Processing →‎ NMR data processing
  69. Talk:Processing →‎ Talk:NMR data processing
  70. NMR data processing →‎ Data processing
  71. Talk:NMR data processing →‎ Talk:Data processing
  72. Relative stereochemistry →‎ Determination of relative stereochemistry
  73. Create MARS pseudoresidue table from Sparky assignment table →‎, create MARS pseudoresidue table from Sparky assignment table
  74. Protein and nucleic acid data and nomenclatures →‎ Presenting NMR structures of proteins and nucleic acids
  75. Referencing of chemical shift →‎ Referencing of the chemical shift scale in the NMR data
  76. Fabio C. L. Almeida →‎ User:Fabio ceneviva
  77. Get MediaWiki for your lab →‎ Get MediaWiki for your Lab
  78. Get MediaWiki for your Lab! →‎ Get Media Wiki for your Lab!
  79. Get Media Wiki for your Lab! →‎ Professor, get a Wiki for your Lab!
  80. Promoting your business on NMRWiki →‎ Promoting your business on NMR Wiki
  81. Promoting your business on NMR Wiki →‎ Promote your business on NMR Wiki!
  82. What NMR Wiki wants to develop →‎ Software that NMR Wiki wants to develop
  83. Software that NMR Wiki wants to develop →‎ Software that NMR Wiki wants to build
  84. Join the NMR hacking team →‎ Join the NMR Wiki team
  85. Newsgroups →‎ Newsgroups and mailing lists
  86. Professor, get a Wiki for your Lab! →‎ Dear Professor, get a Wiki for your Lab!
  87. NMR Cryogenics →‎ Ice in My Dewar! (Liquid Helium Transport Dewar)
  88. Proton Driven Spin Diffusion type Experiments →‎ Proton driven spin siffusion (PDSD) experiments
  89. MAS →‎ Magic angle spinning
  90. Proton driven spin siffusion (PDSD) experiments →‎ Proton driven spin diffusion (PDSD) experiments
  91. Pulse sequence directory →‎ Pulse sequence database
  92. Talk:Pulse sequence directory →‎ Talk:Pulse sequence database
  93. CBCANH (G. Montelione, Rutgers Univ.) →‎ CBCANH (pfg C cbcanh se25.c, G.T. Montelione)
  94. CBCANH (pfg C cbcanh se25.c, G.T. Montelione) →‎ CBCANH (G.T. Montelione)
  95. Events →‎ Meetings
  96. Category links →‎ Organizing pages on the site
  97. Category link →‎ Organizing pages on the site
  98. Thread:«no subject» (2) →‎ Thread:Clarifications about AvanceII document (1)
  99. Chemical shift referencing →‎ Referencing of the chemical shift scale in the NMR data
  100. CaHD cpmg GLY dfh 600 v1.c (L.E. Kay 2009) →‎ GLY CaHD CPMG v1 (L.E. Kay 2009)
  101. GLY CaHD CPMG v1 (L.E. Kay 2009) →‎ GLY CaHD CPMG v1 (Kay 2009)
  102. PFG →‎ Pulsed field gradient
  103. T1 →‎ T1 relaxation
  104. T2 →‎ T2 relaxation
  105. Constant time →‎ Constant time evolution
  106. UNIX and nmrPipe →‎ UNIX pipes and shell scripting for NMRPipe
  107. Varian →‎ Varian, Inc.
  108. Bcall →‎ Bcall - baseline correction macro for Varian (multi-fid)
  109. J coupling →‎ Scalar coupling
  110. Template:Todo:this category needs to be renamed to solvent suppression →‎ Template:Todo
  111. Starting and exiting vnmr →‎ Vnmr introduction
  112. Ds →‎ Ds (vnmr command)
  113. Hemoglobin →‎ Globins
  114. Globins →‎ Hemeproteins
  115. WEFT →‎ WEFT - water eliminated fourier transform
  116. Doneshot.c (Varian, Inc.) →‎ Doneshot.c
  117. "Number of points →‎ "Number of points less than np"
  118. "Number of points less than np" →‎ Number of points less than np
  119. Doneshot.c →‎ Doneshot.c (G.A. Morris)
  120. Bloch equation →‎ Bloch equations
  121. Postdoc in Hyperpolarized MR, Vanderbildt →‎ Postdoc in Hyperpolarized MR, Vanderbilt
  122. Postdoctoral position →‎ Postdoctoral position at University of Pittsburgh
  123. Postdoctoral position at Tufts University →‎ Postdoctoral position at Tufts University, Boston
  124. Career Opportunity—Associate Manager, NMR—University of Toronto →‎ Position closed. Career Opportunity—Associate Manager, NMR—University of Toronto
  125. Two postdoc position in NMR quantum computing →‎ Two postdoc positions in NMR quantum computing
  126. NMR Facility Manager, University of North Florida →‎ Analytical Instrumentation Facility Manager, University of North Florida
  127. Postdoc - Computational/Solid State NMR →‎ Postdoc - Computational/Solid State NMR at Sandia National Laboratory
  128. Postdoc - Computational/Solid State NMR at Sandia National Laboratory →‎ Postdoc - Computational/Solid State NMR at Sandia National Laboratories
  129. Postdoc - NMR based marine metabolomics, National Institute of Standards, USA →‎ Postdoctoral Fellowship - NMR based marine metabolomics, National Institute of Standards, USA
  130. Postdoctoral Fellowship - NMR based marine metabolomics, National Institute of Standards, USA →‎ Postdoctoral Fellowship - NMR marine metabolomics, NIST, USA
  131. Postdoctoral Fellowship - NMR in marine metabolomics, NIST, USA →‎ Postdoctoral Fellowship - NMR marine metabolomics, NIST, USA
  132. Postdoc in Protein NMR, Max Planck Inst. of Biophysics →‎ Postdoc in Protein NMR, Göttingen
  133. Postdoc in Protein NMR, Göttingen →‎ Postdoc in Protein NMR - Göttingen, Germany
  134. 1 Year post-doctoral position in Grenoble →‎ Postdoc in solid state NMR - Grenoble, France
  135. Postdoc in RNA Structural Biology →‎ Postdoc in RNA Structural Biology - Miami University of Ohio, USA
  136. Postdoc in Nucleic Acid NMR structure - University of Arizona, AZ, USA →‎ Postdoc in Nucleic Acid NMR structure and pharmacology - University of Arizona, AZ, USA
  137. Posdoc in Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy - U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, Maryland →‎ Postdoc in Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy - U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, Maryland
  138. Postcod in Membrane Protein NMR - Oxford University, UK →‎ Postdoc in Membrane Protein NMR - Oxford University, UK
  139. Postdoc in Enzyme Dynamics by NMR →‎ Postdoc in Enzyme Dynamics by NMR - University of Missoury, USA
  140. Postdoc in Enzyme Dynamics by NMR - University of Missoury, USA →‎ Postdoc in Enzyme Dynamics by NMR - University of Missouri, USA
  141. Postdoctoral Protein NMR Position at Rutgers - Newark →‎ Postdoctoral position in Protein NMR - Rutgers University, NJ, USA
  142. Postdoc in Protein Flexibility by NMR - – Wadsworth Center – Albany, New York, USA →‎ Postdoc in Protein Flexibility by NMR – Wadsworth Center – Albany, New York, USA
  143. Postdoc position: NMR of ion channels →‎ Postdoc position - NMR of ion channels - College of Staten Island, New York, USA
  144. Ph.D. and Postdocroral positions in Bio-Molecular NMR - Grenoble, France →‎ Ph.D. and Postdoctoral positions in Bio-Molecular NMR - Grenoble, France
  145. Special gifts →‎ Community contributions
  146. Senior RF Engineer, MRI or NMR Coil/probes - San Francisco Bay Area, USA →‎ Senior RF Engineer in MRI/NMR probe design - San Francisco Bay Area, USA
  147. Southern California Users of Magnets, 2009 →‎ Southern California Users of Magnets - SCUM
  148. Postdoctoral Associate →‎ Postdoctoral Associate in MRI - Albert Enstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University - NY, USA
  149. Creating macro files for Varian NMR instruments →‎ Creating macro files in MAGICALII for Varian NMR instruments
  150. Postdoc/Staff Positions in Membrane Proteins--Vanderbilt U →‎ Postdoc/Staff Positions in Membrane Proteins - Vanderbilt Univ. - TN, USA
  151. Postdoc and Ph.D. studentship in Solid State NMR - Utrecht Univ. - Netherlands →‎ Postdoc and Ph.D. studentship in Biomolecular NMR - Utrecht Univ. - Netherlands
  152. UCI800:HCN Probe Specifications →‎ UCI800:800 MHz triple resonance HCN Probe Specifications
  153. Two-years Open Post-Doctoral position in Nantes (France) →‎ Two-year Post-Doctoral position in Solid State NMR - Nantes, France
  154. NMR Spectroscopist - Midwest →‎ NMR Spectroscopist - Midwest area, USA
  155. Dpfgse satxfer.c saturation transfer with DPFGSE water suppression →‎ Varian dpfgse satxfer.c saturation transfer with DPFGSE water suppression
  156. Ajusting dipslay of spectra in Sparky →‎ Ajusting display of spectra in Sparky
  157. NMR Engineer, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA →‎ NMR Engineer, San Francisco Bay Area, CA
  158. PhD studentship in computational NMR and EPR spectroscopy - Durham University, UK →‎ PhD studentship in computational NMR and EPR spectroscopy - Oxford University, UK
  159. Postdoctoral Positions →‎ Two postdoctoral positions in RNA structural biology by NMR - State Univ. of New York - Albany, NY
  160. Postdoc position in NMR Quantum Computing - Technical Univ. of Dortmund - Germany →‎ Postdoc position in spin-based Quantum Computing - Technical Univ. of Dortmund - Germany
  161. Commercial NMR service providers →‎ Companies
  163. Xplor fit backbone.inp →‎ Xplor fit backbone.inp - Xplor script to overlay NMR structures by a specific atom selection
  164. Postdoc in NMR Pulse Sequence Development and Theory, University of Miami →‎ Postdoc in NMR Pulse Sequence Development and Theory - University of Miami - USA
  165. Postdoc in NMR Pulse Sequence Development and Theory - University of Miami - USA →‎ Postdoc in NMR Pulse Sequence Development and Theory - University of Miami - Florida, USA
  166. How to copy/paste files in UNIX command line →‎ How to copy/paste text in the UNIX terminal
  167. Postdoc in Structural Biology (NMR & X-ray) →‎ Two Postdoc positions in Structural Biology (NMR & X-ray) - Brown University - RI, USA
  168. Two Postdoc positions in Structural Biology (NMR & X-ray) - Brown University - RI, USA →‎ Two Postdoc positions in Structural Biology (NMR & X-ray) - Brown University - Rhode Island, USA
  169. Fellowship in management of Science and Technology - NMR →‎ Fellowship in management of Science and Technology - NMR - University of Lisboa - Portugal
  170. Postdoctoral Research Scientists in Macromolecular Assembly in DNA Repair and HIV Pathogenesis - University of Texas - USA →‎ Postdoctoral Research Scientists in Macromolecular Assembly in DNA Repair and HIV - University of Texas - USA
  171. Postdoctoral Research Scientists in Macromolecular Assembly in DNA Repair and HIV - University of Texas - USA →‎ Postdoc Positions in Macromolecular Assembly in DNA Repair and HIV - University of Texas - USA
  172. Postdoctoral scientist position available in dynamic NMR/structural biology at NYU Medical School, New York. →‎ Postdoctoral scientist in dynamic NMR/structural biology - NYU Medical School - New York, USA
  173. PhD position - University of Nantes, France →‎ PhD studentship in NMR methods development - University of Nantes, France
  174. NMR Spectroscopist (Cambridge, MA) →‎ NMR Spectroscopist - Cambridge, MA, USA
  175. NMR Research Operations Manager →‎ NMR Research Operations Manager - Univ. of North Carolina, USA
  176. PhD in Solid State NMR - CNRS - Strasbourg, France →‎ PhD studentship in Solid State NMR - CNRS - Strasbourg, France
  177. Billing →‎ User billing systems for shared instrumentation facilities
  178. PhD Studentship at University of Nottingham →‎ PhD Studentship at University of Nottingham - UK
  179. JHMBC →‎ 2D JHMBC
  180. Doneshot.c (G.A. Morris) →‎ Doneshot.c for Varian (G.A. Morris)
  181. Pure shift OneShot pulse sequence (G.A. Morris) →‎ Pure shift OneShot pulse sequence for Varian (G.A. Morris)
  182. NMRWIKI:G.A.Morris Lab →‎ NMRWIKI:G.A.Morris and M. Nilsson Labs
  183. NMRWIKI:G.A.Morris and M. Nilsson Labs →‎ NMRWIKI:G.A.Morris and M.Nilsson Labs
  184. Doneshot.c for Varian (G.A. Morris) →‎ Doneshot.c for Varian (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  185. Doneshot for Bruker (G.A. Morris) →‎ Doneshot for Bruker (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  186. Pure shift OneShot pulse sequence for Varian (G.A. Morris) →‎ Pure shift OneShot pulse sequence for Varian (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  187. Pureshift 1D (G.A. Morris) →‎ Pureshift 1D (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  188. Pureshift 1D (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson) →‎ Pure shift 1D (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  189. Wet - water suppression technique →‎ Wet - solvent suppression technique
  190. IMPACT-HMBC →‎ IMPACT-HMBC for Bruker (Julien Furrer)
  191. Doneshot.c for Varian (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson) →‎ Oneshot for Varian (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  192. Doneshot for Bruker (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson) →‎ Oneshot for Bruker (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  193. Pure shift 1D (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson) →‎ Pure shift (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  194. Pure shift OneShot pulse sequence for Varian (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson) →‎ Pure shift Oneshot for Varian (G.A. Morris/M. Nilsson)
  195. Bruker hmbcetgpjcl2nd - J-HMBC →‎ J-HMBC for Bruker (hmbcetgpjcl2nd)
  196. 1D TOCSY (selmlgp.2 - Bruker) →‎ 1D TOCSY for Bruker (selmlgp.2)
  197. STAR-HMBC (hmbcacbigpl2ndqf - Bruker) →‎ STAR-HMBC for Bruker (hmbcacbigpl2ndqf)
  198. Bruker hmbcetgpl2nd - HMBC →‎ HMBC for Bruker (hmbcetgpl2nd)
  199. 1D NOESY (selnogp - Bruker) →‎ 1D NOESY for Bruker (selnogp)
  200. Pulse sequence database →‎ How to add files to the Pulse Sequence Database
  201. Talk:Pulse sequence database →‎ Talk:How to add files to the Pulse Sequence Database
  202. CAN - Bruker pulse sequence to correlate CA and N (Wagner Lab) →‎ CAN - for Bruker - pulse sequence to correlate CA and N (Wagner Lab)
  203. CAN - for Bruker - pulse sequence to correlate CA and N (Wagner Lab) →‎ CAN for Bruker - pulse sequence to correlate CA and N (Wagner Lab)
  204. CON - Bruker pulse sequence to correlate CO and N (Wagner Lab) →‎ CON for Bruker - pulse sequence to correlate CO and N (Wagner Lab)
  205. Editing pulse sequence database records →‎ How to edit Pulse Sequence Database records
  206. HZQC for Bruker (hdqc Zex.rp) →‎ HZQC/HDQC for Bruker (hdqc Zex.rp)
  207. Senior NMR research Scientist - University of Toronto, Canada →‎ Senior NMR research Scientist - University of Toronto - Canada
  208. Postdoctoral Position in Solution Dynamics of Protein Kinases - New York, USA →‎ Postdoctoral Position in Solution Dynamics of Protein Kinases - Stony Brook University -New York, USA
  209. Protein NMR/Biophysics Research Associate (BS/MS) →‎ Protein NMR/Biophysics Research Associate (BS/MS) - Novartis - Cambridge, MA, USA
  210. Postdoc to develop multiphase NMR in Toronto Canada →‎ Postdoc in multiphase NMR - Toronto, Ontario - Canada
  211. NMR spectroscopist at Unilever, Inc →‎ NMR spectroscopist at Unilever, Inc - Bedford -UK
  212. Instrument Technical Officer at Victoria University of Wellington →‎ Instrument Technical Officer at Victoria University of Wellington - New Zealand
  213. MRI Programmer at VUW →‎ MRI Programmer at VUW - Wellington, New Zealand
  214. PostDoc at the Technical University of Denmark in hyperpolarization →‎ PostDoc in Hyperpolarization - Technical University of Denmark
  215. Postdoctoral Position in NMR Structural Biology →‎ Postdoctoral Position in NMR Structural Biology - Albert Einstein School of Medicine - NY, USA
  216. Vacancies for solution state NMR spectroscopists (Conformetrix Ltd.) →‎ Solution State NMR Spectroscopists - Conformetrix Ltd. - Manchester, UK
  217. Postdoctoral position in NMR and biomaterials science.  →‎ Postdoctoral position in NMR and biomaterials science - Rockefeller Univ. and Albert Einstein School of Medicine - New York, USA 
  218. Postdoctoral position in NMR and biomaterials science - Rockefeller Univ. and Albert Einstein School of Medicine - New York, USA  →‎ Postdoc in NMR and biomaterials - Rockefeller Univ. and Albert Einstein School of Medicine - New York, USA 
  219. Postdoc in NMR and biomaterials - Rockefeller Univ. and Albert Einstein School of Medicine - New York, USA →‎ Postdoc in NMR and biomaterials - Rockefeller Univ. and Albert Einstein College of Medicine - New York, USA
  220. Postdoctoral position at University of Pittsburgh →‎ Postdoctoral position in Liquids NMR - University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
  221. IOS →‎ Attenuator
  222. Postoctoral position in protein NMR →‎ Postoc in Liquids Protein NMR - University of Umeå, Sweden
  223. Graduate student positions →‎ Grad student positions in Solution NMR - Miami University - Ohio, USA
  224. Employment Center →‎ Employment Center at the XXVth ICMRBS in Lyon (Aug 20-23 2012)
  225. BioNMR workshop →‎ BioNMR workshop at XXVth ICMRBS in Lyon
  226. Varian Hardware on AMMRL →‎ Varian Hardware on NEDM??????????
  227. Echo Planar Imaging →‎ NEDM????????

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